Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wellp...aaahhh....here it goes....

Ok. all right already. I've succumbed to the pressure to be just like all my friends and create my own website. Wow this is a big step! I just got on Crissy's blog, and realized: "omigosh! even Brendan's blogging!" Oh now this is not right--I need to catch up. After all, I do live in the 21st century right? (Brendan, you've inspired me.) Well, I tell myself, "Self, you know EVERYONE's doing it" and "it's a way to be closer to all my friends, right?" Right. So....here I am taking that first step to post my words, thoughts, feelings--my soul-- to the WORLD (!!!) via the worldwideweb. Who would've ever thunk it? Why do I suddenly feel like I'm at the top of the Great American Scream machine about to plummet to my death? Well, maybe not that bad, except for the adrenaline rush.

Anyway, just so you know, our family lives in CA now and we used to live next door to Crissy, who managed to become my closest bestest dearest friend in the 5 years that we lived next door to her. (But I love you too, Kim, Angela, Jen, Terri, and all those other wonderful Nertz women out there.) So that, even though I now live in Southern CA (35 min. from Hollywood!) I still call Crissy to find out what color walmart brand triaminic I need to give Frankie for croup.

A little more need to know info: my husband, Frank is studying philosophy at Talbot School of Theology (which is why we moved halfway around the world in the first place; but hey, it's an adventure right? an adventure for the Lord. yeah. uh-huh.) And, my 2 daaaarrrrling little boys, yeah. uh-huh. the ones that hit each other and scream at each other and refuse to go to bed. yup those. Also the ones who climb up in my lap when the scary part of Monsters, Inc comes on, you know that part at the beginning where the monster is trying to scare the little kid, but is actually more afraid of the kid. And the boys who think I am wonderful when we get together in the kitchen to make sugar cookies. And the 2 little boys who are very forgiving of me when I yell after a long day at work and I feel very bad and realize that they don't deserve my grumpiness just b/c it was a long day. Ahh, the grace of God is a wonderful thing, especially when you see it exhibited by the closest members of your family. God is truly good.

I don't want you to think that I am completely just dying to get back home, and I hate it here. Not at all. When you are doing what the Lord wants, He tends to put your life into perspective for you, and give you blessings along the way. We are excited to be here and every day Frank and I talk about the ways we are blessed and how much we're growing in Him.

So anyway, comment and let me know what you think!!! more later....


Crissy said...

I love it!!!! *wild clapping is heard* Yeah!!! It is weird how we can miss something but be content with our life at the same time. It's a pair of ducks - I mean a paradox.

Jawan said...

I'm so glad I can read your blog and keep up-to-date with your life, Amber! You and I are both a mother to two little boys and I am looking forward to hearing all your fun (and scary?) stories about raising little men. Love ya and check out my blog from time to time.

Amber said...

Thanks you guys! I love you too, and I'm glad you like the blog. I checked out your blogs too, Leslie and Jawan, and they are great! I

Anonymous said...

amber I am so technilogically behind I was like what is a blog?thanks for getting me better up to speed!! It is always good to hear about you and your wonderful family that I miss so much! love ya'll

Anonymous said...

hhhmmmmm. interesting. your comments are almost as interesting as your blog.
NO MAYO? I despise mayo, but good grief. is CA in the 21st century with you? How do they make tuna salad? or chicken salad? or mayo and tomato sandwhiches?
Those poor people...

ok love ya bye

(I wish i knew who everyone else is... like jc6000002 ... and what are debt cards?)

Amber said...

That first one was just an ad. Before I set up the word verification option where you have to type in that wiggly little word? That way I won't get random postings from random computers which are actually ads.

Kimmipeach@gmail.com said...

Hey girlfriend!!!! This is soooo cool, huh? The internet is a wonderful way to stay up on the latest news on all your friends. I am so glad that things are going well for ya'll. Being the mother of 2 boys is not easy, but it's NEVER dull. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Amber, just wanted you to know that I stopped by and enjoyed your random thoughts on life. Love ya, Tracy

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber,
I just got your blog from Crissy's and read it. I'm so glad to hear from you. We all miss you terribly. I was just thinking about our girls trip this year and how much we all were going to miss you.

Love Ya