Thursday, July 27, 2006

Remodel's done

Yey! I know you are all cheering and applauding for me now that the remodel's done at work. We've been cooped up in a small computer lab. My co-workers and I've been joking that we feel as if we've been sharing a bedroom with 15 other siblings. lol! So, since we don't have internet at home, and I have no privacy at work, I haven't posted in awhile. I do my posts on break, (of course), but even then, it's awfully hard to keep folks from reading over your shoulder when your desk is right next to the printers that 16 people use every day. Thankfully, we'll be moving back to our new office on Tuesday, so you should see more posts from me.

Except....that I'm leaving for Europe on Tuesday night!!! yippee!! I am so excited to go on this tour and sing Mozart on his 250th! The music is glorious, and our tour is primarily in Austria, so we'll be singing in Mozart's home, too. I will try to post from Europe since my mom is bringing her laptop. If we find a good wireless signal. I will try to get some good pics too.

Sooooo.....more later! :o)

1 comment:

Frank said...

In hindsite, they really should have equipped those castles with wireless back in the day. They should have foreseen the need. Where was Nostradamus when we needed him...