Wednesday, July 11, 2007


It’s raining. And the rain is making me very happy. We’d come home to about a 6-month drought. The locals informed us that we were down 18 inches for the year, and that it was a state record. But it is finally raining. Well, Texas is finally sharing, that’s all…
After living in the land of eternal sunshine and concrete, it is nice to hear the rain on the roof, and see all the green here. I found it interesting that last week, the Governor of AL, Bob Riley, called for all of us to pray collectively as a state for rain. And the funny thing is, or miraculous for that matter, is that our fervent prayers were answered, and God sent some rain over from Texas. Thank you Jesus.

Well, bout time to go cut some grass…

I have some exciting, stupendous, and marvelous news that you will never believe. After months of battling, pleading, praying, and yes, unashamed bribing, my son is pooping in the potty!!!! (and there is a heavenly host in the background singing in 4-part harmony!!!) And it was nothing to do with me or his dad, or his brother. It had everything to do with his being ready. It was if a light switch went on from night to day—I am not kidding. One day he was using a diaper, and the next day he was going potty all day and wearing underwear. He told me he’d gone while in Sunday School (we’ve been putting him in pull-ups when we go out), but his teacher didn’t tell me, and I half did not believe him. But then that night, he asked to go again, and he actually produced! Of course that prompted a quick trip to the store to get the bribe—a ring pop! Which Frank gladly went to get. And ever since, he’s been going all the time. Decided he’s a big boy now, and talks about it to anyone who will listen—even (and especially) in public. But, I am so thankful. Now on to driving…

My brother is graduating from BASIC Air Force Training this weekend in Lackland, Texas. I am so proud of him! Now he will be off to language school in Monterey, CA, where he’ll learn an Asian language (most likely Japanese or Korean) and then be trained to work with one of those countries’ intelligence departments. Oh yeah, top secret stuff, baby! And trips to the Orient to visit family. I am trying to be optimistic and think, what a great opportunity for Jacob, Tansy, and Ashlyn, and wow, how cool will that be to go and visit them in Japan—and not think: I won’t see my brother and his family except maybe every 5 years!!! But, I could never be selfish and hold him back. He is so excited—please pray for him when you think about it.

1 comment:

steve, kate, annelise and joseph said...

Hi Amber...this is Katy Tyner Holmes...I found your blog through Ali B's and I figured you may know the question to my answer...I mean the answer to my question...haha
anyway...moving on...did Jacob and Tansy go ahead decide to move Tans and Ashlyn to California? I know at one time they we were thinking about the possibility...and I have not seen her around here (we used to live in the same apt. complex they did). I also cannot get ahold of I was wondering if this move had happened or not. Could you possibly hop over to our site and let me know? That would be GREAT...thanks (in advance)!