Sunday, September 09, 2007

Time for a new post...

Things are going great here, but I know I need to update you on what's going on in our lives. My apologies for taking so long--we've been so busy! I know, you say "Cry me a bucketful, why don'tcha?" hahahaha...
Anyway, here goes...

I guess the biggest thing is that although the job was going fine at the funeral home, there was something still not sitting completely right with me. I've been wanting to be at home with the boys for awhile, and have been half praying that it could work out. you know what I mean, more like wishful thinking b/c you can't bring yourself to believe that God would be able to work it out for you etc. A.K.A. lack of faith. I started to seriously consider what I could do in order be with my children more. We were also struggling with the school system here. Birmingham school system is not that great. In fact, it is pretty low on the totem pole of schools in general. We will also be moving the middle of September to another district (next-door to my best friend, yippee), and were worried about dealing with changing schools in the middle of a term. I carried around a general sense of unease, like, 'I don't know what to do about this, and I don't want to think about it right now.' I was discussing my options with Crissy one day a couple months ago, and she brought up homeschool. At first, a host of insecurities jumped up: I am not smart enough, disciplined enough, lack of socialization, I'm too selfish, etc. I finally told her that if God wanted me to homeschool, then He would put it on my heart--just like He did when we decided to move to California to go to school. Heehee. I guess you probably know what's coming. Suffice it to say that we have been homeschooling successfully for the past 3 weeks, and it is going fine. There are ups and downs, but it is definitely worth it.

So, bout 6 weeks ago, I put in a 3-week notice at the funeral home, and started signing up voice students. Thanks be to God, I am bringing in the same amount of $$ I was working 40 hours/week, except now only working about 15 hours! (I could still use about 5-6 more students, so pray when you think about it.) Now I teach some week-day afternoons, and Saturday; and am home most of the day with the boys. The interesting thing is, the girl they hired to replace me at work was from California and had moved to AL a little before we had! I had a week to train her, and it went well! She has a lovely little girl, and after talking with her a while, found out she's a believer! So, she is visiting our church. Very fun.

Speaking of church, we are attending Community Presbyterian. Never been Presbyterian before. It is such a great church--I love hearing the Gospel proclaimed to me every time I cross the threshold. Thanks CPC folks--you guys are great!

I have been able to reconnect with several great friends--KimH and Naomi--we've gotten together and hung out a couple of times; so much fun!!!! I see Crissy, Kim and Terri every Friday night. And lots of new faces that I am getting to know. We are also moving earlier than expected--our old home became available sooner, so we're moving this weekend. It will be nice to be in comfort zone again.

I am looking forward to a trip to California in a week and a half. Going to serve as an attendant and sing at Deannah's wedding. She has become one of my closest friends from out west. I am excited to see all my friends again and catch up. If you are reading this from L.A.--I miss you and will see you soon!!

Well, that was a lot, but I feel like it doesn't really even half cover it. Oh well. Thanks for sharing in my life. Leave me comment and let me know how it's going.


Graced said...


You stepped out in obedience.

Kim said...

Yea! I'm glad you're going to our church. We have to sing soon.

Ginger said...

Hey Amber! Love your blog! By the way, I tagged you! Using the letters in your middle name, list things about you starting with each letter. Clear as mud? Talk to ya soon, girl!

Heather said...

Sounds like you have been busy! But enjoying life. Keep at it. Hope you are getting settled in your house and all.

We are starting to pack up this week for our big move south. Lord willing we will leave the first part of November for Mexico! God just has a few details to work out.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to be in cali? we should get lunch or something

~Jen QUigg

Paige M said...

Your homeschooling experience sounds a lot like mine! God comletely changed my heart about it. I'm glad it is going well for you too!

I think you are a really neat person, and I can't wait to get to know you better!

Abbey said...

Good for you, girl! I'm happy for you...everything seems to be working out. And congrats on finding a good church!