Friday, October 13, 2006

about 5 hours later...

Just had a quick thought. I love all my friends and family. (Can you tell I'm missing home?) I wish all my CA friends could meet all my AL friends/family, who could get together with the friends and family I have in CO; and the church friends totally would love the work friends; who would really dig the friday night/chattanooga friends; oh yeah, and the Southeastern Bible College folks, and the ones who live in Georgia. Lest I forget the cool folks I met in Austria, and what about the friends I have who are serving on the mission field?...I could go on all night. I am such a girl (relational, emotional, etc...but proud to be what God made me.) At least I can take comfort in the fact that we all have a common bond: Christ, and that you all will get to know each other in Heaven. You're gonna love each other--I can't wait.

1 comment:

Abbey said...

Hey, Amber! It's Abbey. It's been a long time!! Blogging is such a crazy thing!I happened upon yours and had to say hey! How did you end up in California?? I should go back and read...maybe it's all in the blog... :)