Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Last night Frank was reading a bedtime story to the boys: "The Berenstein Bears tell a Lie". When they got to the part where Brother and Sister Bear blamed it on the bird, the bird flew away with a 'screech' (we always add in a screeching sound for special effect). At this point in the story, Frankie stops Frank and excitedly exclaims, "Daddy! I know what 'screech' is--that's onomatopoeia!--and so is 'crunch, crunch, munch, munch'!

Oh yeah. That's my boy. What are they teaching in kindergarten these days anyway? I mean will there be anything left to learn in high school?

Oh well, thought you might get a kick out of that.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I loved Onomatopoeia.... IN HIGH SCHOOL! What DO they teach children in kindergarten in California? I miss you and can't wait to party with you on Friday night at Crissy's. We miss you!