Friday, October 13, 2006

Thinking out loud

Soooo missing home right now. Probably because I know we will be moving home in approximately 7 &1/2 months, 32 weeks, 228 days (if we make til May 31st, which is when our lease is up). But, we are choosing not to come home for Christmas since we'll BE home another 5 months after that. But now that we're sure we're coming back, 228 days seems like forever!!
We'd been going back and forth for a little while between several different options:
1. Stay in CA and Frank immediately apply for a Phd program to anywhere and wait for a response.
2. Stay in CA and both of us work for a while
3. Move home and get jobs; pay off student debt already accumulated; put Phd pursual on hold for a little while.

So, yeah, when it's in print--why did we even waffle? Our rent now is $2,050 a month. We do have 2 guys living with us in the 3rd bedroom to offset the cost, so net cost is $1300. But still. Having to share a 1500 sq. ft. house with 2 more adults is rather challenging, honestly. Kim Hill, I am totally understanding the whole house parent thing. But you might've had it a little bit worse than me. But only a little bit. I have grown to like are some of the good things about it:
1. The weather. 70 degrees year round. It does vary slightly, but no terrible cold.
2. Convenience of everything no more than 5 or 10 minutes away, i.e. grocery store, church, Biola. As long as you don't get on the freeway.
3. The house we live in. It is so cute. and the room plan is good.
4. The church we are attending: Grace Evangelical Free. We have met and made friends with some great people.
5. My job at Biola. My co-workers are great and I have medical insurance. I like medical insurance.
6. Let's see, can I think of anything else? oh yeah, we splurge on one thing: Disneyland. It's so fun. Even though I am a grownup, I will always have a soft spot for Disney.

Now, benefits to coming home.
1. Save couple grand a month on rent.
2. Family.
3. Lower cost of living in general. 30 cents less a gallon for gas.
4. Friends.
5. Did I say family and friends? I really miss y'all.
6. The absence of the phrase "you guys". I caught myself the other day. I was chagrinned to hear it come out of my mouth. Agghh. I have been here too long already.
7. Seasons. though don't think I will ever have a soft spot for 100% humidity in August.
8. Don't have to work as much (I won't anyway.) We've talked about my having a part time job to help pay the bills--but no more rat race, thank goodness. Sometimes I feel that between Frank in school, me working f/t, Frankie going to K5 and Steven just hanging out, I will never catch up. But I plan to use Christmas vacation as sorting/throwing out time before we come home.

Ok, if I think of anymore, I'll let you know.

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