Saturday, May 24, 2008


The little white kitty has finally been christened her for-real name. When the sharp kids got home (yey, we missed them so much! and we miss the Hills even more!!), white kitty got a new name--Angel. But it became grossly obvious that this cat is only an angel when she's asleep. She is showing some promising aggressive tendencies that are putting her in the running for first place for staying at the Sharp/Ellis bunker. Namely, she can catch small creatures and eat them. This morning as I was cleaning up from breakfast, I looked down and saw the kitty eating/gagging on a stick (?) hanging out of her mouth. The gagging part stopped and she swallowed the "stick". Then I looked over and saw one of those humongous crickets--you know the fat brown ones that are speckled, and have HUGE legs? And they usually jump AT you, not away from you? We called them hoppy bugs when I was a kid, and they were my least favorite of all insect pests (not that I have any favorites, except for maybe lady bugs b/c they are pretty and they help farmers). I've heard some folks refer to these hoppy bugs as camel crickets. Anyway, the cricket was missing a leg and was in dire straits indeed as it was lying kind of lop-sided at a crazy angle, with the whole weird reflex/jerky motion going on that happens when a bug is slowly dying. Anyway, the little kitty finished off the leg and then went back for the rest of it. She had the WHOLE thing eaten in about 2 minutes flat. YESSSSS!!! That was the whole point for getting another cat--that we wanted one that could catch and kill vermin. So I made an executive decision and dubbed the cat "Cricket". Of course I pulled my "I paid for the food and the litter, and I am doing most of the work to take care of these kitties, so I get final say on what to name them" card. But it worked. And I think it is a nice name and shows her character. And it doesn't fit into the normal plethora of names for cute white cats, such as snow ball, whitey, or Angel. We gotta get Stripey to catch up. I told the kids if she catches a mouse, maybe we can call her mouse.

My little Steven woke up this morning throwing up. He got up, got a drink of water, and immediately went to the garbage and threw it back up, along with last night's supper, poor baby. And this is after 2 of the Sharps and Ellas spent the night with us in the living room floor. Great. Now we will prob pass it to everyone. If anyone is going to get sick, it'll be Steven--he seems so susceptible to stomach bugs and respiratory virus's (virusi?) This past winter, I think he got sick about once a month, ugh. He started asking for food a couple of hours ago and said he's feeling better, but I bet we will be up in the middle of the night puking. That is just his way. So if you don't see us at church in the morning, you'll know why.

Practiced piano for 2 and 1/2 hours yesterday morning. Got a lot done. I love this whole being off work thing. At least I have time to practice piano. Oh, and to blog, hehe. Aren't you proud of me? 4 posts in 3 days. I may even set up a playlist.


Missy said...

What a fun day...gagging cats, throwing up children. Your life is amazing! said...

ellas is still fine. i don't think you shared the love with us. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not naming your cat something lame!!! We have a black cat named Black Jack, which we call him Jack. Our white cat is named Skitty, because he's so skittish. Sometimes Brian calls him Skittles, which is funny to me because he's solid white. And our third cat is named Leo. We wanted to name him Aslan because he looks like a lion but Leo seemed to fit him better. He's not as smart as Aslan!