Thursday, December 18, 2008

going to the hospital now

I'd also wanted to post on facebook before we leave, but it is "temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance and will be back on in a few hours." argh. Don't they know that people need to post at 6:30 a.m.? I guess I have nothing to say, since it is a FREE service, haha.

Just wanted to say thank you for your love and prayers. We've gotten so many phone calls, fb postings and emails. We love you too, and we are thankful for the Body. It IS a hard time, but God will bring us through it.

We are leaving for the hospital now. Wow. Had no idea I'd be going to the hospital 4 months early. Dang. It is so hard not to bring a baby back home! why do I have to have meals brought to me now? I wanted them the first week in May! I keep seeing my baby on that screen and wishing/praying that he would have moved, just a little. He was like a perfectly formed doll...head was already headed to the right proportion to the body, with legs and arms curled just so. I like to think that it was a boy, but only the Lord really knows. Dr. Adcock warned me that we probably would not be able to find out gender, even after it's over. Nor will we be able to definitively say exactly how/why he died. I may only find out after this life, and by then, it probably won't matter.

I may never know... Only God does and he has not given it to me to know. I keep trying to trust that he is good and loving and I know that we live in a fallen world. It still sucks though.

To God be the glory.


Anonymous said...

God bless you Amber. I wish I could just wrap my arms around you. I have been thinking of you for 2 days. Sending you strength and peace, friend.

Marsha said...

Praying for you.

Jennifer said...

I have been so full of prayers for you, even when I have not actually voiced the words or even formed them in my head. I have been praying for grace for you and your family.

Jennifer said...

Amber, sorry about the name. I messed up my profile when editing it. I am "Me".